Saturday, February 27, 2016

3000 Miles to Graceland

Yesterday, SPRING happened in Nevada.   Spring is my favorite season and this year because I'll be going back to Ohio in April, I get to experience spring twice!  Here is a cactus in bloom that we ran into.  Those cacti on either side, we found out later, are called "Jumping Cacti" Cylindropuntia fulgida because the parts actually jump out onto you if you get too close.  I was close and lucky I didn't get attacked!
Nelson, NV is where we ended up to see the desert in bloom.  Not an easy place to find, it turns out.  It is located at the southern tip of Nevada and has 37 residents.  Gold and silver was discovered there in 1861.  It's known as a ghost town.  And throughout the history of the town, there were disasters, killings and lots of sinister folks hanging around.  Then there were also flash floods from the nearby Colorado River that wiped out half the town!

What is left is the gold and silver mine, a ghost town and remnants of what is left.  Very fun to wander around.   The movie "3000 Miles to Graceland" was filmed there.
Not sure what happened there!  But it's also part of the town.

This is my favorite thing.  A piano sitting among the jumping cacti!!!  Name THAT tune!

Five miles down the road from Nelson is the Colorado River.  I took this picture with my cell phone and as eerie and surreal as this looks, that's how it was.  There were no other humans to be seen or heard there except hubby and me.  It was a place so peaceful.  That's something I needed after the past few weeks in my life.

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