Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Danke schoen, Mr. Newton!

Have to admit it.  I have always disliked Wayne Newton.  Every time he would be on TV, I'd scream and run from the room.  I laughed when he was in the movie Vegas Vacation, however.

 So when we realized there are only a few more days left in OUR Vegas vacation, we started listing the things we have not yet done.  Two things were left:  Go on the Mob Tour (to see where the Mafia ate, drank, and planned murders in Vegas) and visit Wayne Newton's home Casa de Shenandoah.

We arrived at the front gates of Wayne's estate and there was no guard in the guard house. Yippee!  So I hopped out of the car and directed hubby to take my picture with my hands in the air as if saying, "Here I am at Wayne Newton's house!"   There I stood with my arms up in the air.  And hubby couldn't get the camera to work.  So I stood there and stood there and stood there with my hands up in the air as if the police have directed me to put my hands up!  And I kept yelling to hubby in the car, "Did you get it??  Did you get it yet?"
After what seemed like forever, hubby got the picture and I decided to peek inside the gate.  There was a museum across the street with tours and things that if I paid an exorbitant amount of money, they would open the gates to Mr. Las Vegas' estate.  But I didn't like the guy THAT much.  So I simply knocked on the gate to see if Wayne Newton was home and yelled, "Is anybody home?"
Not sure why it didn't occur to me that in this age of high tech security, there would be a lot of cameras honed in on the crazy blond at Wayne Newton's front gate yelling and holding her hands up as if she's at gunpoint.   Apparently, there are cameras and sound.  That's why security came racing across the street to find out what the heck I was doing.  I ran to the car and hubby made a quick getaway down East Sunset.

Danke schoen, Mr. Newton!

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