Thursday, April 7, 2016


Being blond, I have been called dizzy many times.  But in late January, I started having vertigo when I laid down, sat up, bent over . . . did anything except stand upright!!!   Thinking this must be an ear infection, I went to an urgent care center in Las Vegas for treatment.

The people who were in that urgent care center were VERY SICK with horrible coughing, blowing noses, and moaning.  Worse was the lady who kept sticking Q-tips up her nose, pulling it out to examine each one and then storing them in a ziploc sandwich bag!!  At that point both hubby and I  developed NAUSEA from watching that over and over because she plopped down directly across from us.

One hour of waiting in that godforsaken urgent care turned into two and then three hours!  There was no hand sanitizer in the entire waiting room.  I had run out of my personal small bottle of Purell around hour one!  Adding to the ambience, the TV in the room was located under a flower arrangement that looked exactly like a bedpan turned on its end.   I was sure that CNN Headline News on the TV was going to announce a pandemic in Las Vegas because I was in the midst of it.  Vertigo started to seem like not such a bad thing comparatively, and I was beginning to think of how I could just live with this ailment and escape this waiting room.

Long story short, I was finally seen after three hours of awaiting.  I got drugs, a shot in the booty and instructions to come back in 10 days if things were not better.   

Thirty days came and went after which I got sicker.  In addition to vertigo I had bronchitis and ended up in the ER where I got more meds, another shot and told by the doctor that vertigo can take up to 6 months to go away.  YIKES!

Two and a half months and $8,000 later, I still had vertigo.  Until last night!!!  I was searching the internet for cures for vertigo when I discovered the EPLEY MANEUVER!  Hubby did the Epley Maneuver on me and within 10 minutes, I no longer had vertigo!   I'm sharing this as a public service so that no one else has to through this costly insanity that I experienced.  I am also wondering WHY two physicians and countless nurses don't know about and use this.

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