Saturday, January 2, 2016

A stitch in time

Before I was a Mom, I had a lot of time on my hands.  I took up counted cross stitch embroidery.  For those of you who don't know what that is here's a picture.  Basically, one uses a piece of cotton or linen with tiny squares, sometimes 28 squares per inch, and makes a tiny X in a pattern of different colors which results in beautiful pictures, sayings, etc.  Linen lasts forever and embroidered pieces on linen from thousands of years ago can be seen in museums of antiquities. So when I make something, I always hope it will last long after I'm gone.

My hobby got put on hold when suddenly through adoption I became the instant parent of a 2 1/2 year old and a newborn.  I barely had time to take a shower let alone sit around peacefully cross stitching a cute little bib for someone's baby shower.  Before the adoption, I literally embroidered all 30 of our Christmas cards one year!  My husband at the time used to joke that I was going to cross stitch a camping tent next.  But when the adoption happened in 1985, I just threw all of the half finished projects and supplies into a trunk and two baskets.

That trunk and two baskets moved with me 6 times around the country, through a divorce, remarriage, children growing up, and a second career.  But NOW, I'm retired with time on my hands again.  And grandchild 9 on the way!  Time to resume my hobby.

The trunk and baskets awaited my opening like time capsules buried 30 years ago.  I knew I had many half completed baby things still waiting to be completed.  I just needed to choose a  couple to take with me on our trip to Las Vegas.  Hey, I don't plan to be living it up every minute I'm in Sin City!  I hope to have some relaxing times, too.  Hence, taking some embroidery with me!

I opened the lid of the trunk and found 1985 staring back at me.  All of the patterns for things I've made and given away as gifts.  A half finished alphabet zoo sampler that was for whatever child we adopted and afghans never finished.   Baby bibs in all colors are ready for me to add the name.  Stacks of fabric, DMC embroidery yarn in hundreds of colors are still as vibrant as when purchased.   I chose a tiny baby bib to make and that alphabet sampler to finally finish.

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