Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The London Bridge

"I need . . .water. . . .Joe?  Are ya there, Joe?  The thirst is gonna kill me.  Water . . . need water."

That was what my younger brother would always play when he was a kid.  He'd pretend his canteen was empty and he and G.I. Joe were crawling across the desert on their bellies to find water.  Today, we drove across the Mojave Desert and I kept visualizing G.I. Joe and my brother crawling across there!  I got really thirsty, too.

We were on our way to see the London Bridge which is located not in London, England, but in Lake Havasu, Arizona!   Apparently, Robert P. McCulloch purchased this 1830 bridge and brought it to Lake Havasu piece by piece in 1967.  It took 3 years to reassemble it and now it's THE attraction in the city second only to the lake itself.

The London Bridge is the kind of thing where we said, "Ok, seen that.  Don't need to go back."  There really isn't much else to do at Lake Havasu.  We took an 8 minute ferry boat ride across the lake to California where they have a tiny casino and even smaller restaurant.

Then it was back in the car for the journey across the Mojave desert back to Vegas.  But not before stopping at Terrible's McDonald's (love the name of that place) for two large drinks.  The thirst can kill ya.

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