Monday, January 18, 2016

The Heart Attack Grill

I felt a pain in my stomach and thought it was just hunger.  We signed in and were told to go to the waiting room where we had to put on those hospital gowns that are open in the back.  Thank goodness they let us keep our clothes on!  We were at the Heart Attack Grill in downtown Las Vegas.

Here's a picture of our nurse:
We were at the Heart Attack Grill for dinner where if a person is 350 lbs. or more, they eat for free!  Since we didn't qualify for that, I asked if we could get a discount if hubby showed his scar from his actual quad by-pass.  Nope. 

The quad by-pass burger contains 8,000 calories.  We chose the single by-pass for the simple reason that if one doesn't finish eating their burger, a nasty 4 swat public spanking with a paddle is administered by the nurse!  Interestingly noted was the fact that most male patients failed to eat their entire burgers. 

Wine is dispensed in IV bags, jello shots come in syringes and liquor arrives in a prescription bottle.  There are NO sugar-free beverages.  And the vegan menu is:

We decided that a single by-pass burger with lard crusted bun wasn't enough, so we also ordered the butterfat shake with pads of butter floating on top, and the flatliner fries cooked in lard and doused in cheese and chili. Yummy!  Can't imagine eating the 20,000 calorie burger pictured below!

After we finished our food, I had a couple of hubby's Lipitor hidden in my handbag for dessert! 

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