Saturday, January 23, 2016

Spilled Salt

Last night,  a relation spilled the salt next to me.  I'm not naming names so that the guilty party won't be ostracized.  Yes, I'm superstitious about only ONE thing.  And that is spilling salt.  In the past, I tried to laugh it off when older family members would tell us to be so careful about spilling salt. They all believe.  But then I started to pay attention to when salt was spilled and what ensued immediately thereafter.

What I personally observed has made me realize that spilling the salt foretells bad things happening.  And it's not just to the person who spills it, but family members and loved ones.   People say that if you spill salt, simply throw some over your left shoulder and that takes care of any bad luck.  Take it from me, left shoulder, right shoulder, that does NOTHING.

So the salt was spilled last night at 9 PM PST.  Several hours later, my Dad fell, was rushed to the ER and had to have 10 stitches in his forehead.  This morning, hubby missed a step on the staircase and came crashing down on his knee cutting his hand. Some would say that this has no relationship to the salt.  I think it does. Things usually settle down about 2 weeks after any salt spillage, I have found.

Here is a list of things that have occurred directly after a witnessed salt spill.

1.  Ex. husband lost his job without warning.
2.  Grandmother died.
3.  Severe illnesses happening out of the blue to too many relatives to count.
4.  Car accidents

So I say to you, next time you spill salt, just watch what happens.  You might become a believer like me.  I've got about 13 more days to go.  I'll let you know if anything else bad happens.

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