Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Banana Peels

A question today.  Is it littering if one throws a banana peel out the window of a moving car?  Since the banana peel is bio-degradable and an animal would surely be delighted finding it to munch on along the side of the road, I would think it isn't technically littering and a crime.  But upon reading about littering on Google while eating my banana snack in the car today, I found that ANYTHING tossed from one's car is littering and a crime.  I think it's more of a crime if you throw the banana peel out the window in front of a clown car and cause an accident when they skid on it. 

Ok, you can probably tell that it was really boring driving across Arkansas today.  Consequently, my mind was wandering aimlessly and you just got a lousy excuse for a blog post, in my opinion.  Tomorrow we drive across Oklahoma and the panhandle of Texas. 

I leave with you a beautiful sunset and jet contrails that we saw as we drove to our stopping point in Fort Smith, AR tonight.

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