Monday, January 4, 2016

Already hit the jackpot and we aren't even in Vegas yet!

We departed for our 5 day drive to Las Vegas at 9 a.m. . . . sort of.  Both of us were seat belted in, the car was GPS'd for Vegas, hubby put it in reverse and we proceeded to move out of the garage!  We were on our way when I shouted, "Did you remember to take the little black umbrella from my car and put it in this car?"  (I didn't want to risk getting wet in Las Vegas, even though it is a desert and has less than 5 inches of rain per year mostly during the summer).  Hubby applied the brakes, I jumped out, grabbed the umbrella and noted that we had moved all of 2 feet so far on our adventurous journey to Las Vegas. 

Buckled up again, a disgruntled husband asked if there was anything else (emphasis on else) we needed before we left.  I said no, hubby put the car in reverse and we were ON OUR WAY again!  And then I felt a bad feeling in my gut and shouted, "WAIT!  I need to use the bathroom!"   The car screeched to a halt, I leaped out and got a lecture as I was running back into the house about the fact that the water was turned off in the house and that each toilet had only one flush and yada yada yada as his voice trailed off.   I hoped that the toilet I decided to use still had one flush left.   It was funny that I was already gambling and hadn't made it to Vegas yet!  I pulled the flush lever on the toilet slot machine and I got triple 7's--it flushed! 

Back in the car again and this time hubby was beyond disgruntled.  I'd call it highly irritated with a touch of hangry because he hadn't had breakfast.  As I silently buckled up, I noted we had actually backed up all of 4 feet now!  I gave the thumbs up and we really departed.

We drove through Kentucky where all barns are painted black and teeth are optional.  Tonight we are staying in Tennessee. 


  1. And you skipped all the bourbon? You missed the best part! I was going to mention that there are some great restaurants in Louisville, but I had the feeling you were already looking at it in your rear view mirror and speeding south.

  2. We had been to Louisville a couple of times before so we didn't stop this time. You are right about the great restaurants!!
