Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I love Fremont Street more than the Vegas Strip because the people on Fremont Street are more down to earth.  And I win more at the casinos there.  Although I have disproved the theory several times that the slot machines closest to the front doors of the casino pay off more. 

As in many large cities, Las Vegas and particularly Fremont Street have what are known as buskers--people performing in public places for gratuities. Or pretenders.  Here are few buskers I've seen lately:

 Man Pretending to be the Easter Bunny

Pretending to be a Wench and Pirate

Pretending to be an . . .uh . . well, you get the picture.

But it's not just on Fremont Street that there are pretenders.  Right across the street from us is a cell tower pretending to be a pine tree! 

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