Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Conestoga Wagon

I have had a headache of the migraine variety for three days.  I can't decide the cause of it.  Is it stress because of the impending trip?  Stress over packing?  Pain from my tooth where that dentist keeps trying to reglue my the crown on my molar?  Or is the migraine causing all my teeth to ache?  Maybe it's lack of sleep BECAUSE I have the headache.  It's a vicious cycle.   Maybe it's because I'm hungry. 

We are packed and ready to drive across country to Las Vegas for the winter.  Inside this house, nothing is left in the fridge or the pantry.  That's so that if a mouse should happen inside our home during our absence, he will starve to death.  Feeling like that mouse right now.

We don't have an RV for this trip.  Everything is packed in the car.  Hubby has packed so much that I feel like we are planning to travel the Oregon Trail in a conestoga wagon and he hasn't made room for me! We must have enough supplies to make it across the Mississippi! 
We even have a portable refrigerator that plugs into the car to keep hubby's soda pop cool.  Well, let the adventure begin!  We drain the water from all the pipes in the house tomorrow morning. 

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