Saturday, January 9, 2016

What a Vista!

Last day of our journey yesterday encompassed so many different vistas that I'm not sure where to start.  Well, let's start with the most important part.  After driving for 5 days in a KIA, neither hubby nor I used the ejection seat option on each other or ourselves.  But my finger came close to the trigger!  I know that certain family and friends were placing bets on which one of us would still be in the car when we pulled into Vegas and which one would be tied to the roof (no room in the trunk).  The problem seemed to be that hubby is a morning person and I am definitely not.  My face kind of looked like this until about noon each morning of the trip when I was forced to get up at 7 AM.

 But hubby looked like this:

Altogether, not a good combination.  I'll just say that coffee solves a lot of problems.

On yesterday's trip, we drove through a winter wonderland in the mountains of Flagstaff.

Then an hour later it was desert like and barren.

Then an hour later, there it was!  I saw palm trees!

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