Thursday, January 7, 2016


Only got a few hours of sleep last night in Amarillo.  Not that I didn't try.  But there seemed to be some rowdy cowboys hanging out at our motel last night who decided to have one of those bar room type brawls you see on TV.   Not sure exactly where it was happening, but it was within a room or two of our room.  Arguments were happening, things were hitting walls at 3 AM.  This morning, a screen from an adjacent room was laying on bushes outside.   We made a fast getaway because I broke the card reader completely off the door of our room this morning!  I'm no good with technology especially before I've had coffee.  Blaming it on the rowdy bunch from 3 AM.  Whew, glad to be out of that place! Kept looking in the rear view mirror for the posse on horseback.  But I think those Amarillo cowboys were still sleeping it off.

Today we drove through the Texas panhandle and saw wind farms for as far as the eye could see.  These huge wind turbines quietly capture the wind and make 9% of the area's electricity.  Very eerie to see because there is nothing else around.

Tonight we are in New Mexico at an altitude of 6,100 feet and it's snowing.  Left Ohio to get out of this!

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